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Start Learning Today

Learn how to draw in a safe nurturing environment. Get inspired, encouraged, and motivated to learn. Receive experienced, thorough feedback on your artwork via our weekly critiques and podcast.

Our site welcomes both beginners and advanced students.


Let's Get Started

Educational Tools

Included With Your Membership

Organized Content

Through our diverse course library, you can pick and choose what you want to learn. The bulk of our course library focuses on the figure and portrait drawing. We also offer up diverse course subjects like composition and perspective.


Feedback On Your Work

Our site is much more than a bunch of video tutorials. We’ve set up our member area to focus on helping you improve weekly. We welcome you to post your art to our Critique Gallery for informative, encouraging feedback.

Your Questions Answered

Learn how to stay on target through our weekly podcast. We will answer your art-related questions keeping you informed, inspired, and motivated. We’ve been in the art business since 1990, yes we will answer your business-related questions too.

Work From Great Reference

In our member’s area, you will gain access to countless downloadable PDF’s that offer you high-quality photo reference. You will also gain access to our Online Pose videos helping to keep you sharp through timed gesture poses.

It's About You

The majority of educational videos that you find online do not focus on cultivating you as an individual artist. We have courses that will help you to gain clarity on your process, style and subject matter. We want to help you create a finished body of work. 

Staying On Target

We all know it’s very easy to get overwhelmed with all of the art courses and books available today. All of this information can be paralyzing. Our experience teaching both online and in the classroom will help you stay on target with your learning progress.

High Quality Drawing Instruction

Matthew created Drawing Tutorials Online to provide artists with quality art instruction delivered at the college level, without the college costs.

Matthew has been an adjunct instructor at the School Of Visual Arts since 1997. The experience he brings from the classroom will greatly accelerate your learning process.


It’s Time

Let’s Get Started

Today is a great time to get focused on you and your work. It’s time to stop the overwhelm, it’s time to get the instruction that’s been missing. Give yourself the gift of organized learning and structure.


What Members are Saying

“A Valuable Resource”

“Matt – I’d like to thank you for this site. It’s an invaluable resource for people like me – adults who work full-time and are unable to take traditional classes, but still, truly want to learn the proper way to draw the human figure. Being able to log in whenever I have time and work at my own pace is great, and the feedback you provide is the icing on the cake.”

Mami M. Lynn – Browns Mills, New Jersy  

“Inspired Learning”

“There has always been art that has inspired me but never ART INSTRUCTION, until now. Feels like I have a secret playbook to creating great drawings.”

Dave Jasinski – Cranston, Rhode Island

“Best Educational Site”

“I just want to thank you for the teacher that you are. The way that you teach is so wonderful, so easy to follow. I thank you again for taking the time and effort to create this site. The best educational site I have ever been on.”

Kimberly Hunt – Glendora, California

“Inspiring & Fun”

“Got to say you have set up one of the best instructional sites I’ve ever come across – educational, inspiring and fun. Keep up the good work!!!”

Brian Inglis – Surrey, United Kingdom

Mixed Media Figure Drawing

Learn how to model the figure using white charcoal on painted board. This free three lesson course will teach you how to add color and form to your figure drawings. Plus you will receive a downloadable PDF.

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